“The Bembreneth Way” is a realistic and sometimes idealistic way of viewing life. It embodies the essence of the way things should be as opposed to the “born from fear selfishness” ways that we make them. In other words, it is the most fair way when everything is taken into account.

“The Bembreneth Way” is that window to life that suddenly opens up without warning and gives you an insight to the way things actually are.  It is the “Aha” moment that comes and goes in a flash.  If you don’t capture it, it is gone forever.  It is the wild bird that lands on your arm for no reason.  It is the dolphin that comes up to you while you are swimming in the ocean.  It is that moment of clarity that life suddenly throws at you when you think things are at their worst.

“The Bembreneth Way” represents the best possible way to look at a problem and make a decision from that place instead of from a place of greed, selfishness, or fear.

Wouldn’t it be nice if decisions were made that encompassed the total view instead of only parts of the view. Political and social decisions would be made based on everyone affected, instead of only those few who stand to gain at the expense of the majority.

“The Bembreneth Way” does not mean communism or socialism. Everyone has the right to gain as much out of this life as possible. Freedom, free markets, and capitalism are wonderful things when you truly understand them and use them in their highest forms. Always taking and never giving might get you a lot of stuff, (and that is everyone’s right), but those who always give, end up with the most fulfilling life and coincidentally, they also end up having the most stuff, if they choose it.

“The Bembreneth Way” means to just do what is right. We all know what is right, but some people are afraid to do what is right for fear that it will take away what they have or want to have. Remember this, there is more than enough of everything to go around. In fact, there is enough for every single person on this planet to have a thousand times more than than they already have. We just have to get past the fear of not having enough. We have to understand that we are all a part of each other, and every action we do affects every action everyone else does. Eventually the action comes back around to it’s beginning.

So make the beginning a good one. Start it “The Bemebreneth Way”.

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Tom Harvey

May 2024

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