Archive for the 'Politics' Category

Should comedians be running our country

I have noticed over the last ten years that comedians are making more sense than the politicians when it comes to matters of running our country.  It used to be only a  joke when you combined politics and comedy.  Remember Pat Paulsen from the Smothers Brothers era running for president all those many years?

With the advent of shows like, Steven Colbert, John Stewart, and Bill Maher, I now get my political viewpoint from them. And so do many other people as well.  In fact, I laugh (and it is not a ha ha laugh) at the politicians, and I actually think about what the comedians are  talking about.  The politicians even go on these shows to try and gain back this audience.

It used to be that comedians would have to stretch the truth to get a laugh.  But if you really watch these shows, they now just tell the truth exactly like it is.  And the politicians come off  so ridiculous that it is sometimes even embarrassing to watch.  Unfortunately for us, these politicians are the ones running our country.  I don’t completely blame the politicians.  After all, we keep voting them in.

I think we need to shift our thinking.  Maybe a comedian is the right person to run for office.  He or she is not afraid to be their own person.  They can think fast on their feet.  If they don’t give us what we want, they are out of a job.  So they are constantly trying to hone their craft.  If they don’t show up to work, they are out of a job.  Their pay is based on how they please us.  If we don’t like them, they are out of a job. The better their ratings, the more power they have to get more money.  If  their ratings go down, they get canceled.  And if they don’t have a job, they can’t get health insurance. They are subject to the same rules of life as we are.

Hmmm, I think maybe we should just treat politicians the way the rest of us are treated. You know, be subject to the same  rules that we have to follow. I have no problem with people who follow the same rules as we do and get more things out of life than others, especially when they do something better than others.  But I do have a problem with those who get more while not following the same rules, and they don’t even care about those who are adversely affected.

Well politicians, let’s look at the bright side.  We may not take you seriously anymore, but you sure do make for great entertainment.  You should all get your own reality shows.  You would knock Jersey Shore right out of the top of the reality ratings.  Anyone for “The Situation” as president?

And that is:   The Bembreneth Way.



What is your motive?

My wife has a saying, “What is your motive?” Why are you doing what you are doing? Why are you saying what you are saying? What are your true intentions?

She is a manager, and she is trying to create a workplace where people think about why they are doing and saying what they are doing and saying. How does it affect everyone else? And the first place to start is with the motive behind it all.

Think how different political decisions and politics as a whole would be. If we knew the true motives behind their actions, would we not be more inclined to question those decisions? Would the politicians be more inclined to make better decisions for the good of everyone instead of their own selfish or greedy needs? I wonder if any of them are even brave enough to face their own true motives.

I wonder if any of their constituents, meaning us, are brave enough to face these same motives. Is my politician doing what is best for himself, me, my city, my state, my country? We are all in this game together. As easy as it is to blame others, we must first look at our own motives.


Welcome to “The Bembreneth Way”

For those of you not familiar to “The Bembreneth Way”, please see the about page to get an idea. Although it encompasses more than what I wrote on that page, you will at least get an understanding. Hopefully through this venue, we can explore it more and learn from each other what it really is about. I don’t pretend to know all of the answers, but I do know life is not as hard or as complicated as we make it. I will write about different topics in the news and try to look at them from a different more balanced perspective. And I invite anyone to join in and discuss your thoughts on the topic at hand. Maybe together we can learn to see everything ” The Bembreneth Way “.

Tom Harvey

May 2024

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