Archive for the 'TED' Category

A “TED” Moment – The Beauty of Pollination

Some of the best video you will ever see!

Here is a unique, beautiful, and magical slow motion view of the pollination of flowers.  It gives you a look at world only a few get to see.

And that is: The Bembreneth Way

The future (five years ago).

The 1980’s saw the infancy of multi-touch sensing on computer screens.  Then five years ago, at a TED conference, Jeff Han showed us the evolution of this multi-touch sensing technology.   We now have the IPad and other multi-touch devices taking over the market.  Say goodbye to the mouse.

Here is the video of Jeff at the conference showing off this “new” technology and what it will offer us in the future (our present).  At the end is his idea of a really cool app!

And that is: The Bembreneth Way

Another “TED” moment – A virtual choir

Here is another TED moment that I think most of you will enjoy.  We will be seeing more of these virtual choirs in the future.  In fact, you can bet we will be seeing virtual bands with members that have never met but will produce hit after hit pop songs.  In a strange way, the virtual world is uniting the real world in a way that no war could ever accomplish.  And when the world  is united, great things can happen.  Can we say, “What is going on in the Middle East”?

The digital world is here to stay.  It  will change everything we know and hopefully make it better.

And that is: The Bembreneth Way

A “TED” moment – How to tie your shoes.

Do you really you know how to tie your shoes?

Have a look at this video from one of my favorite sites,, to see if you do tie them correctly or knot (pun intended).   TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, and Design.  It is a wonderful site with a main goal of spreading ideas around the world.

If you change the way you initially cross the laces, you will get the same result.

And that is: The Bembreneth Way

Tom Harvey

May 2024

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