Posts Tagged 'auto-suggestion'

The return of “The Book Trick”

Pick a book, any book!

When  I was in college, one of my best friends and I would periodically do what we officially called, “The Book Trick.”   This would involve closing our eyes, opening any book that one or both of us was interested in, and touching our finger to a random spot on whatever page turned up.  Whatever paragraph our finger would land on, we would write down in a mutual journal that we both had access to.  Then for the next week, we would apply that paragraph to our lives, see how things worked out, and write down the results in the journal.   The book was usually some type of self-help, science, or metaphysical book, but not always.  Some things turned out funny.  But more often than not, the paragraph would amazingly be very applicable to what was going on in our lives at the time.

So after being five years (or maybe it’s thirty years) out of graduating college, I bring back “The Book Trick”.  The book I will use this week is, “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill.  With the economy the way it is now, I figure this would be a good book to kick this exercise off again.  Here we go:

Auto-suggestion is a term which applies to all suggestions and all self-administered stimuli which reach one’s mind through the five senses.  Stated in another way, auto-suggestion is self-suggestion.  It is the agency of communication between that part of the mind where conscious thought takes place, and that which serves as the seat of actions for the subconscious mind.

This is Napoleon Hill’s third step towards riches.  It is about feeding your mind the positive and creative things you want out of life, and not giving it the negative and destructive things you don’t want.  Basically, if you start to think it, it will start to happen happen.  Being consistent over time is the key.

Use this power of auto-suggestion to start thinking about what you want instead of what you don’t want for the next week, and see if you begin to notice a change in your life.

Let’s talk about next week.

And that is: The Bembreneth Way

Tom Harvey

May 2024

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